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August 12th 2024 - Weekly Updates

· One min read
  • Forms
    • ⚡️ Performance: initial load time decreased by ~18x
    • ✨ Improvement: uploaded files (using read_file) are now automatically saved on the _uploads directory
    • 🐛 Fix: required field validation was inconsistent on read_list widget
  • Editor
    • ✨ Improvement: added option to apply modified environment variables (replacing the need to restart the server)
    • ✨ Improvement: email notifications are now sent to the developer for testing porpouses
  • AI
    • ✨ Improvement: added possibility to define temperature parameter (ai.prompt() docs)
  • Kanban
    • 🎨 UI: style adjustments on buttons
    • 🐛 Fix: repositioning columns caused an infinite loading issue
  • General
    • 🎨 UI: sent emails now use project's style setting