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August 26th 2024 - Weekly Updates

· One min read
  • General
    • ✨ Project's home page is now private by default
    • 🐛 Fixed project styling inconsistencies
    • 🐛 Fixed background image
  • Tables
    • 🐛 Fixed showing JSON objects on “Run SQL” interface
  • Kanban
    • 🐛 Fixed “Continue this thread” button having no action
    • 🐛 Fixed “Continue this thread” button appearing on Job stages
  • Hooks
    • 🐛 Fixed sent headers when using send_json()
  • Forms
    • 🐛 Fixed read_rating returning 0 when unfilled (now it's none)
    • 🐛 Fixed get_user() and display_pandas type hints
  • Editor
    • ✨ Improved workflow editor UI
    • 🐛 Fixed creating Stage .py file when creating Stage (on Workfllow Editor)
    • 🐛 Fixed requirements linter providing incorrect suggestions due to casing
    • 🐛 Fixed terminal displaying multiple “Syntax Warning” messages
  • AI
    • ✨ Added Anthropic as fallback AI provider