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Email Input

Collects and validates an email address.


Basic Example

The following example demonstrate some of the available functionality for read_email

from abstra.forms import read_email

email = read_email("What is your email?")


labelThe label to display to the userstr
initial_valueThe initial value to display to the user. Defaults to "".str
placeholderThe placeholder text to display to the user. Defaults to "".str
invalid_email_messageInvalid e-mail messagestr
disabledwhether the input is disabled. Defaults to False.bool
requiredWhether the input is required or not eg. "this field is required". Defaults to True.Union[bool, str]
hintA tooltip displayed to the user. Defaults to None.str
full_widthWhether the input should use full screen width. Defaults to False.bool
button_textWhat text to display on the button when the widget is not part of a Page. Defaults to 'Next'.str

Return Values

strThe value entered by the user